Hi all,
Here I am gently reminded that today is the first anniversary celebration of
Gabriel FerretWise McCarthy.  That is of the notice we had he was in a sad
state and needed help.  The rest is history-- Gabriel came to Ferret Wise
got medical help, and was placed in the best home we could find-- he is a
happy, healthy boy-- and really could care less if his motor skills are
different from other ferret kids.  His match with Mom Mary was so very
perfect-- Gabriel is so attached that when visiting here-- Mary left the
room, I held Gabriel adn he actually cried ( like a little bleating lamb)
until his mom returned.  This is the tighest bond I have evr seen, and I am
so proud that I played some part in his survival and healing.
Happy Anniversary Gabreil.
Gabriels Story can be read at :
[Posted in FML issue 2200]