Boy did I have a fun time.  Thank you all who gave so much time and money to
get the 10'th ready.  I finaly got see all the legons.  Most of you
surprised me.  I can hardly believe we had ferret freaks from around the
world.  Germandy, Canada, Origon, Mass, North Carolina, FLA Georgia, Texas,
New Hampshisre New York and other parts.  Sorry if I missed your state.  I
have never seen so many ferret people in one spot.  I'm sure that long line
for dinner were glad to see us leave.
Dinner was Great and fun.  Sorry I snuck out before the last group picture.
Long drive home and wanted to get home before the drunks hit the road.  Next
time I'll make it more than just one day.  If we do have it in CACA land I
had better.  Unless I'm on my way to Hawaii or Down under I will make it the
whole week.  I love the t-shirt, and the door prizes we won.  Special thanks
to Gil and Sandy from Portland OR.  for letting us chew their ears off
durring dinner.
I loved the superbowl.  One line I realy liked by the Bud Camelion(sp) Never
send a ferret to do a weasels job.  Well it's quitting time.  Have a good
day every one, and thanks again Bill and every one else involved in
organizing the the 10'th.
 Brad, Donna, Taz the spaz, and Marie.
 Have you ever danced with a ferret under the light of a full moon? I have.
[Posted in FML issue 2199]