I'm going to kill two birds with one stone.  I will reply to this question
on the ferret digest, as well as to you, so you (and anyone else who's
interested) get your answer, and I will remind potential info
gatherers/contributors "one more time" about sending in suggestions for
common daily care and/or first aid items to have on hand for ferrets.  If
anyone is new and doesn't know what this post is about, please feel free to
e-mail me at [log in to unmask] for a copy of the original request post.
Elisabeth Shearer wrote:
>How long are you accepting ideas for the VMC.  I read you were only doin g
>it until a certain time, but I deleted the message so I don't  know when to
>stop sending info, when to expect to receive the VMC etc...
>Thank You..  .   Lis, Tasha, Cody + the gang!!
>[log in to unmask]
For the original project, the e-mail version, the deadline was 'the end of
January'.  Then it will take me a couple of weeks to read through, edit,
rewrite and make the final post readable.  THEN, I will be forwarding that
post to the Vets that volunteered to read it through for safety warnings.
When I get it back from them, there will be a final read-through, then I'll
e-mail it out to all contributors.  So the e-mail copy will go out about
early March.  Other info and tips or offers to write articles will still be
accepted by me, on an ongoing basis, for inclusion in a web page project.
By the way, I'm still hoping to find a Vet who is willing to do a 'Dear
Doctor' ongoing section... The web page technical and design work is being
headed up by Jeffrey Meyers so, if you want to help on anything technical,
please contact him @ [log in to unmask]  Many thanks for those who have sent
in info so far.
Warm Hugs and Fuzzy Dreams
(and Ferret Kisses- Woozle)
[Posted in FML issue 2199]