Wee, looks as if Taz's mass cell tumor is not malignant :-D So now I call
the vet to see if adrenal surgery will be a go.  Poor Taz looks so funny.
He has lost a good share of his hair.
Speaking of loosing hair, Rowdy did a strange thing.  Normally he has a
nice, soft, full dark coat.  I noticed a small patch that looked like a bald
spot at the top of his tail.  When I looked at it the hair was there but
looked as if it had been shaved.  Now during the following few days he lost
all of his coat except for on his legs, tail, and face.  The coat he does
have looks like a surgical area does about a week after the hair comes
through the surface of the skin.  Looks like he joined the army and is
sporting a high and tight.  The coat coming in is much lighter, very thick
and growing.  But now he is a different color all together.  Anyone else
have this happen?
Well, I have 19 beautiful babies now.  Sable came to live with us Friday.
Her Mom and Dad don't have the time she needs and she never got out of her
cage anymore.  She is about 1 1/2 yrs old and is a sweetie.  She is a med
sable.  She has taken the change like a trooper and most of my kids are
accepting her quite well.  I'll give it some time before I introduce her
into the mainstream.  She is not ready for the rough and tumble guys as she
has been alone ferret.  I got a call about an hour after I got home with
her.  They were making sure she was alright.  It broke their hearts to part
with her.  I told them they could come out and visit her.  I work with
Sable's Mom.  They fed her Purina Kitten Chow and I must say she has a
wonderful soft coat, bright eyes and is a good sized female.  She is eating
Totally Ferret and Sheppard & Greene right along with her Kitten Chow.  She
is not a fussy eater but has no idea as to what treats are.  I think she
will fit in just fine.
Well, enough from me.  Love all of your fuzzies as if it were your last day
on this earth.  You never know what tomorrow might bring (besides, it's
Terry and the Nimble, Nuzzling 19
[Posted in FML issue 2198]