>From:    MC <[log in to unmask]>
>Subject: Kritter Kages
>It would appear that the above mentioned company has ceased operations.  At
>least..their phone has been disconected.  I left a message on their
>answering machine Monday and my pet store friend called them today and it
>was disconnected with no forward.
>Anyone here on the FML know what happened? ...
Hi everybody,
I'm a newbie to the list, and have been a lurker until now.  I have an
answer for MC (or Joe, or The rude one-whichever of you is the writer of the
above message), regarding kritter kages.  They changed websites and phone
numbers, maybe some names of products, too.  Anyway, here's how to reach
them, and even more cool ferret products:
[log in to unmask]
The Riverbed Stores
1030 Hastings St.
Set. 100
Traverse City, MI  49686
Good Luck!  Hope this works.
[log in to unmask]
[Posted in FML issue 2198]