The NBC Special, National Geographic was great.  On all the things on the
endangered list but especially about the Black Footed Ferret.  Great
pictures and it was funny how much trouble they had trying to get the
Awhile back someone had on here information about a water bottle that didn't
leak!!!  Well, we have them and they are great but I have a question.  Our
ferrets seem to have trouble getting water out of them!!  I have been
keeping the leaky ones in the cages too because I am afraid they aren't
getting enough water.  Any ideas?
You know you are addicted to ferrets when you eat the last hard raisens in
the bottem of the can so you can open a new one for the ferrets!
Your know you are addicted to ferrets when you go out for an evening and
have to get home early because you don't like leaving the kids home alone
for very long.  (Your human kids are all grown up)
Love and Fuzzies Kisses
[Posted in FML issue 2197]