After reading Margaret's post, here is my .02 worth,
Everyone, has a different view on things, ferrets included.  No one, and I
mean NO ONE knows everything, some know more than others, but we are all
If we remember that, listen to what people have to say, take and use what
you find useful and keep it, what you don't find useful, forget it.  Don't
waste the little bit of time God has granted you on this earth, blessed with
ferrets being negative.
If you don't like what something someone said, you have your right to reply,
but don't keep "fires stoked" have your say and forget it.  There are better
things to deal with, like finding all the hard to reach pooping places.
No one deserves to have their fur baby die on them.  Anyone who says that I
hope you never know the heart break, but someday, reality being reality, and
fur babies not being immortal, you will, and my heart will break for you.
Be kind for someday you may need the same kindness.
Remember, ferrets are angles that God sent to earth to teach each one of us
lessons.  When their job is done, he calls them back to watch us - and when
we forget that little tickle you felt when nothing or no one was there, is
the ferret reminding you of the lessons you were taught.
Gee, wouldn't it be great if we hoomans rembered the lesson of love & jot
our ferts taught us, and practiced it every day?
And that is my .02 worth
Jean & The Zoo Crew
Derrets Unlimited Ferret Shelter
[Posted in FML issue 2197]