Hi Folks! (is there an echo in here?)
BURP!!  Excuse us!  We been gnawin' down on some of that beef jerky stuff
that Paw Paw gotted us from the Country Store.  That stuff sure do melt in
yo' mouf.  Paw Paw's part Injun and he allows as to how it's the bestest
dried meat he's ever tasted.  We's just ferts - reckon that Injuns was
kindly partial to folks of our kind - but we'll have to agree with Paw Paw's
opinion of that jerky stuff.
Anyways, we just wanted to say "Howdy" and let folks know how much we missed
bein' able to be at the big FML10th party.  We was gonna come but Mee Maw
an' the Ol' Fert be done went and got all busy with their bizness stuff.
They gots their own pooter company and sure do stay busy most of the time.
Odie done looked in one of the college books that he gots and decided that
they is Entremanures, or somethin' like that.
We was mighty glad to get all the e-mails from folks that was at the big
party in Orlando.  We is glad that you thunked about us and missed us.  That
sure was nice of ya'll.
We's also gotten some nice mails about the Christmas Story that Paw Paw be
done went and writ.  He's hopin' to have a new one ready for next Christmas.
Anybody what wants they very own copy of it just needs to send us a mail and
we'll send it to you.  You can publish it or copy it, do anything you wants
to with it, as long as you lets folks know where it come from.
They's an Easter story too.  With BIG's permission it will be in the Easter
edition of the FML for those folks what didn't get a chance to read it last
We ain't real sure what Paw Paw's tryin' to say with these here stories of
his; but they's about ferrets, and that's OK with us.
We gots to go. Mee Maw just announced that it was bath time. We ain't got a
clue what a bath is, but we reckon that we're about to find out.
Many much loves and joys,
Tater and Odie
(Be sure to check out the Country Store and the FFOFF too.)
[Posted in FML issue 2197]