This is Captain Meme here(aka NONOBADFERRET)Our silly humans brought home a
DOG!  I don't know what a dog is but I will attempt to find out and see if
it can be recruited into the FLO Ground Support Troup.  From what I can see
it looks kind of like a ferret with long legs.  The silly humans have this
"dog thing" still in isolation so as not to infect our troups with anything
so communication has been in a code we haven't decoded yet.  Do any FLO
members know what "woof-woof" or "yip-yip" translates to?
I will keep up my survailance from the air field(top of robe hanging on bed
room door) and will attempt a recon flight if the door is left open long
enough.  Check your referrance manuals for mention of Yorkie and Mini- Dobie
as this is what our silly humans talk about to other humans.  Does this mean
this "dog" is a double agent?  I await your response and will keep you
informed of any updates in in this mission...
Captain Meme
Elite Air Attack Squad
signing off...
Mikki & Dee                       -l-
"Learning To Fly"on Autopilot  -o-(_)-o-  Team AMIGA
[Posted in FML issue 2196]