For once good news about a pet store.  I just had a chance to read PETCO's
pamphlet "Dr. Jim Humphries Tips; Ferret Care." For the very most part it is
an excellent pamphlet for the new ferret owner.  In fact the only real
"complaints" that I had was in it's recommendation for weekly bathing as a
way "in decreasing odor," and a statement that descenting a ferret reduced
odor.  The only other thing I'd like to have seen there was a warning
against vinyl and rubber toys.
It does a great job on: housing, cage flooring, cage furniture, litterbox,
water, food, treats, fatty acid supplements, exercise and socialization,
handling, ferret proofing, toys, and grooming.  It even includes the tip
about Ferretone on the tummy when clipping nails.
The pamphlet is very good, and I'd like to give PETCO and Dr. Humphries a
"well done."
Dick B.
[Posted in FML issue 2195]