I'm worried about my 2 yr old female MF; she's always been tiny and sorta
bony hipped (but energetic and more stubborn than anything else I've ever
come across) - but today I noticed what *may* have been bloody mucous on her
stool.  It also seems more grainy than her cagemate's.  She's going to the
vet anyway next week, but I was wondering if anyone had some helpful advice.
I'll bring a fresh stool sample with me to the vet.  Could this just be too
many raisins in one day?  I'm not certain there was blood; it just seemed to
have a bit of a waterier, darker covering.  She's quite bouncy and fulla
beans, and her winter coat is fluffy and seems healthy...Her poops are
rather runty, but so is she; she's always been skinny, and I've yet to find
a duck soup recipe that interests her to fatten her up.  If anyone knows
what might be causing this, I'd like to have some ideas when I talk to my
vet, since for all his good heart he doesn't know ferrets as well as I'd
On the topic of food, I can't agree more about the difference a good food
makes.  We've seen better coats, brighter eyes, and tons more bouncing and
war dancing since switching from cat food to Totally Ferret.  I was hesitant
about the price, but it's worth it to see them so energetic.
[Posted in FML issue 2193]