Jeanne is sending a copies of the Michigan letter which she has to both Dee
and to me.  Dee will follow-up with that state.  Thanks SO much, Dee!!!!
Jeanne also had an EXCELLENT suggestion for those in states where folks
might object to following the Compendium, or when more help is needed to get
it through while minimizing large changes: get in touch with your State
Veterinary Medical Association.  She says they usually have offices in
capitol cities which the telephone operator can find for you, or you can ask
vets who are members how to get in touch.  As Jeanne pointed out, these are
informed and confirmed animal-lovers who will now be aware of the '98
Compendium, and they have an organization in place which could already have
a good deal of influence on just this sort of issue.  Great idea, isn't it?
Of course, that's pretty well the norm for Jeanne!  Thanks, Jeanne!
(...minus a bit of gum, and due to a new bonding compound used over the
location of the missing cusp, now the proud possessor of an incisor shaped
tooth in a premolar location -- my very own sort-of carnassal!!!!  Aren't
you jealous that I get to have a "ferret" tooth?)
[Posted in FML issue 2193]