Dear ferret hoomans and all their ferrets,
Hi, my name is Beulah.  You can't see my picture from this letter, but I am
a girl ferret with dark fur what they call sable and a little brown nose.  I
write for the Madison Pet Gazette.  I have my own column, called "Dear
Beulah", where you can write to me with your questions about stuff and
things an' I'll write back an' try to help.
A little while ago, a dog named Sterling wrote an' said I couldn't figger
out what kind of dog he was from his clues!  Of course I knew the answer.
We asked the FML peoples to look at the clues on the website, and lots of
them wrote back, becuz they were smart enough to figger it out, too!
So, now I have the answer on the home page of our website, with nice
pictures of the kind of dog, an' stuff about what they're like, an' letters
peoples sent.  Come and take a look!  (If you can't get the web because
maybe you just have e-mail, write to me, an' I'll send you the story in
In case you want to read the clues first, before you read the answer on our
home page, then go here first:
(But remember to make it all one line in your web browser window, OK?)
Thanks for comin' to read it!
Your friend,
Advice Columnist, Madison Pet Gazette
[log in to unmask]
(608) 249-8707
If you love animals, you'll love the Madison Pet Gazette!
Now featuring: Dear Beulah reveals the identity of the mystery
dog...potpourri hazards for cats...teach your dog to retrieve!..  .ferret
bite law reform...winterize your pet...morning stretches with yoga
Go ahead, click on over to (it rhymes!)
[Posted in FML issue 2192]