>Date:    Fri, 16 Jan 1998 20:15:31 -0800
>From:    zen and the art of ferrets - bill and diane <[log in to unmask]>
>Subject: zen on why to vaccinate...
>We've only written once and we got a reply...
>It really isn't surprising that they didn't respond.  How would you respond
>if you were asked "Have you stopped abusing your children yet?" Most of the
>rumors about them are very old and very wrong.  Some have a little
>substance.  Really what did you expect them to say?
I don't understand why you presume to know what I asked MF or how I asked
it.  Just because they didn't respond doesn't mean my inquiries were
ludicrous, judgemental or accusational (which they were not).  I know of
other people who have also asked (likewise in a professional, objective
manner) MF about their policies with no luck.
I think it's presumptuous of you to think you understand what my standpoint
is on the subject or how I framed my questions.  Just because I have
concerns about the way ferrets are treated, does not mean I'm out to get the
companies that breed and sell them.  I'm not in the business of accusing
anyone of anything, I simply wished to explore their proceedures in a
professional manner, like the journalist I am.
What bothers me is the closed-door, zipped-mouth, quick-reflexed response
that if you're questioning MF, or any other breeder for that matter, you
must be an ignorant and hysterical fool who doesn't know the 'facts'.  I'm
sorry, but I live in a world where questioning methods and looking at issues
critically is important.
In your world, can anyone contact MF about their policies from an objective
standpoint?  Do you accept this type of tight-lipped behavior from your
government or an employer, and if not, why should you accept it from a
Just my humble opinion.
Julie Moser
Ferret Press Productions
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[Posted in FML issue 2192]