Howdy everyone!  First of all, thanks to everyone who took the time out to
e-mail me about Buster biopsy results - you were all helpful.  Buster is
doing better - since I've put him on Timmy's tonic, his energy level has
gone up and he's getting into trouble!!  ;->
You know you're a ferret owner when your little one has been sick for awhile
and are now getting into ***everything*** possible which would normally
drive you nuts but instead you just smile then hug and kiss the little
He is actually having some fur grow back in along his sides - unfortunately,
I'm not as to what is the major contributing factor here - the surgery
(which part of me feels doubtful toward because he does have another small
growth of similar nature appearing on the other side), the change in food
(Mazuri now), the 99% pure aloe I've been rubbing on his skin or what.  The
fur had actually just started to show up just before I put him on the
Timmy's tonic, so I'm certain it's not that, though I'm sure this stuff will
I do have a question for everyone (though Gary Holowicki has told me all
about it) - I'd like to get some more input from other people who have used
Timmy's tonic and their experiences.  Besides increased energy, what other
positive results did you have and how long before you saw these results??
Any info would be greatly appreciated!
One more question - my Geisha is being VERY bad lately!!  She's been pooping
in the corner of the second level of the cage.  This has been happening for
the last few weeks, but I wasn't sure of the four (though I did suspect
her), who was doing this and had to wait to catch that someone in the act.
Last night, the lazy little bum got out of the hammock and started to back
up, with me yelling, "Nooooooooooooooooooooooo!" as I looked up just in time
to stop her and put her in the litter box where she gave me a dirty look
then did her business like she was supposed to.  How do I get her to stop
this??  And what should I use to clean the corner with that might help deter
her from doing this again??  Help!!!!!!!!!!!
Thanks for listening - take care and hugs to all!
George, Jasper and the Tribe
Georgette Peters                            Nothing is fool-proof to a
Steacie Science Library                     sufficiently talented fool.
York University
4700 Keele Street                                     *****
North York, Ontario                                 *********
M3J 1P3                                               *****
                                             Dook, dook, bjork, bjork!
e-mail - [log in to unmask]                        - Swedish Ferret
[Posted in FML issue 2192]