I am guilty of it too!  The first thing I ask when I first meet any animal
(mainly dogs) is, "Does it bite?".  Most people ask when confronted with an
animal they are not familliar with, "Does it bite?".  Since ferrets are not
very popular in South Carolina and beleive it or not MOST people here don't
even know what they are!  (at least most of the people I have met) I'm not
offended if someone asks me that question but I am VERY offended when they
say "All ferrets bite!".  I used to raise squirrels and probably will
continue to if I find anymore *orphans* again.  Guess what people asked me
when they saw I had tame squirrels??  So can't we just all get along?  It is
bad publicity to state that all ferrets bite.  You may as well cover me in
gasoline and set me on fire! (JUST KIDDING!!)  *ANY* animal will bite if in
extreme pain like someone on the list said, I bit my husband during the
birth of our child!  I was blind with pain!
Kathy (I BITE!!) Sosha (I give warm fuzzy wet kisses!)
[Posted in FML issue 2190]