I'm guessing what you all call ferret math has to do with how many you have,
correct?  Ok here goes for Debbie & Jim Pixie (The one in charge).  My first
ferret (a hob) was alone through his whole life I thought it would be nice
to introduce him to a jill.  She was in *her time* so a friend of mine and I
decided to *hook them up* He was going to give her to me.  BAD BAD IDEA!!!
He tried to kill her!  We eventually got them seperated and NEVER tried that
again with any other ferrets.  He got along fine with the cat <snicker>.  OK
so the cat didn't like him but he *loved* the cat.  My first ferret died a
lonely ferret.
Sad but true, Kathy and the all animal friendly Sosha
[Posted in FML issue 2189]