I also didn't think my ferret would bite any human.  Not my Tristan.  Not
under ANY circumstances.  He never even nibbles a finger no matter how rough
we play with him.
My 6 year old grandson was here Thanksgiving and was playing with both
ferrets.  He picked up a ball and squeaked it and Tristan came running and
just plain attacked him.  He got 2 nasty bites before we could get them
We have had Tristan almost a year and the owner before that also never saw
him bite anyone.
I don't like the term "all ferrets bite" but I think we need to keep in
mind that anything is possible. That ball has been here for months but
something about the way it was squeaked that day was different. (It has
gone to squeaky ball heaven.)
Thankfully, my daughter-in-law is not easily upset and we soon had the
wounds cleaned and medicated and all was well.
I think we should always use caution when presenting our adorable babies to
others because there is always the chance of the unexpected.
Hugs to all the fuzzies and their humans
Shirley, Jezebel, and Tristan
[Posted in FML issue 2188]