All ferrets bite.  But generally just their toys and food.  In the six years
I had Hershey, she bit a human absolutely ZERO times.  Wouldn't even bite a
cat who tried to claw her.  Nestle' nipped me hard enough to draw blood
exactly once, on the first day I got her from the shelter, and if I hadn't
pulled away from her (or if she hadn't had a chipped tooth) I don't think
even that would've drawn blood.  Just a surface scratch not a puncture.
Even my cats never had that kind of good record.  And only one of my 13
hamsters.  From what I've seen, there is no domestic animal that bites
*less* than a ferret, except maybe gerbils, which I haven't had any
experience with personally.
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[Posted in FML issue 2188]