>From:    Chuck Lamprey <[log in to unmask]>
>Subject: Anipryl for adrenal tumors?
Last October, Jerry Murray, DVM <[log in to unmask]> wrote in the FML, "The
new canine drug Anipryl will not help adrenal disease in ferrets." I don't
have any direct experience with it myself.
>From:    nstephens <[log in to unmask]>
>What is the current recommendation for [Advangate's] use among the
>ferret community?
Still highly recommended, as far as I know.  A few individuals will have
allergic reactions -- people/ferrets can be allergic to just about anything--
but for the rest, Advantage is still recommended as highly effective and
completely nontoxic.  (At least, according to the vets I've spoken to.)
>From:    Georgette Peters <[log in to unmask]>
>Description: The mammary tumour is a well differentiated mammary
>adenocarcinoma.  It is a multilobular expansive but apparently not
>infiltrative epithelial tumour composed of small nests of fibrous connective
>tissue but desmoplasia is not obvious. [...]
>Okay, now the second sentence of the description I find pretty confusing
>because of the detail they go into describing what it *isn't*.
I think it's just a punctuation problem; try commas or parentheses around
"but apparently not infiltrative".  Then the meaning becomes, "It is an
epithelial tumour which is multilobular and expansive, but apparently not
infiltrative.  It is composed of... ." Not that I know much about what that
means.  Sorry I can't be of more help; best wishes to you and Buster.
>From:    "Mitchell, Tina" <[log in to unmask]>
>Would temperatures of water just go by my judgment and also is there
>anything in ferret shampoos that I need to avoid buying.
Many people find that ferrets prefer warmer bath water than you'd expect.
Certainly don't scald them, but the general consensus is that ferrets like
it a bit warmer than you'd use for a human baby, probably because they have
higher body temperatures than we do.  As long as it's comfortable to you
when you first put your hand or foot it, it should be okay.  As for
shampoos, as far as I know all the non-flea shampoos for ferrets are fine;
some people use human baby shampoo or Pert for Kids instead.
>From:    Kelly Parsons <[log in to unmask]>
>I live in Newfoundland, Canada, and it is virtually impossible to find
>one here.
I'm not sure about Newfoundland, but I know there are ferrets to be found in
Moncton and Halifax, at least.  Check the STAR*Ferrets database at
or, since I haven't installed the new update there yet and may not get
to it for a couple of days, write Pam Troutman at <[log in to unmask]>
and ask for the listings you need.
>From:    Sukie Crandall <[log in to unmask]>
>(or someone else here can post the AFA's 800 number (PLEASE!) ...
1-888-FERRET1 (toll-free)
>From:    Daniel Dupriest <[log in to unmask]>
>I'd like to know if Realisticly, outlets can be a problem, and It's not
>much trouble to put covers in them.
None of my ferrets have ever bothered with them, but YMMV (Your Mustelid May
Vary), so if she noses at them, use the covers.
>From:    Peggy Scarborough <[log in to unmask]>
>my Rikki, is silent I never hear a sound from her, ever.  Is this normal?
Few ferrets are really noisy, and some of them are quieter than others.
Chances are she's just fine.
- Pam Greene
Ferret Central <http://www.optics.rochester.edu:8080/users/pgreene/>
            or ftp://ftp.optics.rochester.edu/pub/pgreene/
            or send INDEX FERRET in email to <[log in to unmask]>
[Posted in FML issue 2188]