>rabies vaccine, and had his stitches removed.  Doris had an exam and also
>received the rabies vaccine.  The entire visit was only $28!  I couldn't
>believe it.  The Vet that took care of Sammy and Doris was Dr. White.  She
Gee.  Why are these marvelous prices always so very far away from me?!?
(I'm in Pittsburgh, PA).  I took my problem-child, Cal, to the vet and it
cost me $50 plus $40 for medication (but that was for *all* my animals at
home).  Turned out he had ear mites deep in his ear.  I'd been killing the
mature ones with ear cleaning, but there were a lot of eggs inside where I
couldn't get to it.  I'm hoping that will cure his upsetting tendency to
attack anything not human.  (even his buddies he's been with all along!)
[Posted in FML issue 2188]