There really is no encouraging information.  Another little girl had her
surgery, and she is the 2nd to have her ovary fuse to her bladder.  This
made the surgery more difficult, put the ferret at greater risk, and reduced
the chances that the surgery will be completely successful.
We still need to try and locate angora ferrets in the Seattle, & Spokane
areas of Wash.  state, and in the Dallas, Texas region.
Could everyone in those areas who goes into a pet store, or visits/calls
their vet in the next week, please mention this situation.  Your action
might save a sweet little life.
To re-cap, baby ferrets, supposedly from Sweden, and mostly angora, were
sold in the US market with only partial spays.  They are going into heat,
and one has already died.  They entered the US between the 1st and 15th of
October.  None of the brokers involved with this will divulge the names of
other persons, possibly out of fear of culpability, but their refusal to
assist our effort is making this task even more difficult.  Lynn Mcintosh
will be posting about her experience in attempting to reach the owners of
some of these ferrets.
Everyone's help is still needed, and I want to thank everyone who has sent
me encouraging messages.
Georgia Wood
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[Posted in FML issue 2170]