Diane Rogers called today.  She got through to Nebraska's person in charge
of rabies quarantine decisions who was upset that someone sent me out-dated
material instead of passing the letter on to him.  Dr. Bill McKinster will
be writing to me and I am to let you all know thta he told Diane that
Nebraska is complying immediately with the '98 Compendium.
Today's letters about the states comprised one from Rhode Island with 49
pages I have to read and old dates (so that state will require more
follow-up), and one from Illinois which let me know that the final decision
for that state is made by Dr. Bromwell of the Dept.  of Agriculture; but
it's been faxed on to him by kind Health Dept.'s Dr. Austin so I don't need
to write again or ask Diane to call.  I know that others have posted that IL
has quarantine -- just need the formal stuff when I can get it.
The final collection of copies is going to the files of the Morris Animal
Foundation.  Copies will be going to the AFA, to Jeanne Carley to help in
the California legalization efforts, to Troy Lynn for the copious rabies
related files she has for ferret lovers, and to Pam Troutman for STAR
Ferrets use.
A LOT of people have requested photostats or faxes.  We don't have either
fax or copy machine.  That's why I tell people whom to contact right up
front.  After that files are done, I assume that given their past actions
with other important papers that either the AFA, or Troy Lynn, or both will
find a way to make duplicates of their copies available.  Some have also
assumed that I must be copying these from some website.  No, folks, you are
getting these right up front.  As I receive and process the letters I send
out e-mail copies of the segments to the FML, Troy Lynn, Modern Ferret,
IFRIC, STAR Ferret, Vesna of Pet Gazette, IFNS, and Jeanne Carley.  Sanil
mail of the posts go out to Diane Rogers and Morris Animal Foundation, as
well.  This is real time stuff.  You learn as fast as about anyone in the
Good news at home: All of 'Chopper's tests came out marvelously.  Her weight
loss may be more a factor of her being so thin after ECE, then being so
active, and having to generate extra body heat for the Winter.  Just giving
her high cal food may not be enough.  She might need some dropper feedings
to get her fuller than she would herself.  Fortunately, she actually LOVES
being fed that way.  Meeteetse's tail is a bit warmer and has some skin
sensation today so the blood supply and nerves are'nt as pinched now.  Don't
know why, but we are arguing with good fortune.  Ashling normally only
kisses Steve (and Warp normally only kisses me -- ferrets!) but today I got
kisses from the Ling-Ling.  Strangely enough, it's my birthday so had that
on top of being oterh wise spoiled rotten (cinnamon bun breakfast; cards;
singing; air cleaner; roses; "Amastad" at the theater -- incredible movie,
BTW, in "Inherit the Wind" class; viewing of holiday lights; new shoes; new
socks; and an Indian Dinner -- whew!).
[Posted in FML issue 2156]