Hello All,
First, a small preface.  Many of you will not understand, so bear with me.
Some feel my praise for others is false, simply because I can be mad as hell
at someone and still admire them.  My praise is not empty.  Any issues I
have with anyone are seperate matters, I do not withhold feelings.  I
seperate the actions from the person as a whole.
Bill Gruber- I want to give you a big round of thanks for working on this
list and putting up with the loud mouths like myself.  I realize it has not
been easy, nor fun in some cases.  I do whole heartedly appreciate your
patience, understanding, and forgiveness for certain things.  I do react
emotionally a lot of the time and you have been forced to be a good editor
for me.  I may not agree with you all the time, but I honestly do value the
work you do.  And your truly wicked sense of humor.  {{{{{{{{{Bill}}}}}}}}
Ronnie DiComo- Ronnie, I cannot thank you enough, on behalf of the entire
list (pardon my presumption) for all the work you have put in on the
auctions.  Gads, I know I couldn't have kept up with it.  And I know that is
but a small part of your efforts.  Thanks.
bill and diane killian- What can I say?  I have had the good fortune of
meeting you and being able to judge for myself.  Two very smart, very
opinionated, and sarcastic folks.  How could it get any better?  hehe.  I
have always found your info on ferrets to be good and well thought out.  And
bill, a man after my own heart, talks about travelling according the food
available.  And the ponytail.  diane, you are truly lucky.  bill, you are
even luckier.  now, if we could only get rid of the smokes.  hmmm...
And I don't care what you say, you still remind me of someone... (yes, that
is a compliment)
Sukie Crandall- I want to thank you for all the info and work you have put
in on the rabies info.  I know it will help a lot of little fuzzies
Noni Clark-She is a wonderful friend.  She listens to me, tells me when I am
full of it and has of late been running interference for me.  She also runs
the Houston Area Ferret Association, has helped lots of folks with physical
therapy for their ferrets and is always looking out for others.  She is a
woman with much love and a huge heart.  Thanks for being there for me, and
for everyone.
Ilena Ayala-I want to thank you for trying to be a friend to me.  I
appreciate your humor through all of this s**t.  (inside joke folks)
And finally...
Bob Church- I have tried to tell you what it is I admire about you.  Many of
those things still apply.  You are a very intellegent man who has done a lot
for ferrets.  If by no other way than the ones you have given a home too and
by bringing the Pookmeister to me.  You have so much to offer the world and
I know you will find a way to do give it.  But Bob, write some funny posts
will ya?  I miss those.  All this bone stuff gets to me.  And I know you
have a wicked sense of humor.  Work on it, ok?  hehe.
I have made some wonderful friends on the FML, many many more than listed
here.  I want to say a generic thanks for being there!  A bunch of lurkers
for the most part, but your words of encouragement have meant a lot to me.
Maggie Mae, the mushy Celt of Mid Mo
[Posted in FML issue 2155]