Hello, everyone!  My husband and I are very interested in adopting a brother
and / or sister for our fabulous four ( Hannah the flying ferret, Thufir the
Huggable, Rachael the Escape Artist, and Hawat the Professional Cutester).
Does anyone know of a shelter here in Kansas?  We sort of "rescued" Hannah
and Rachael ( they were very well taken care of and loved, but the owner was
going to school full-time and in the middle of planning a wedding, and felt
they weren't getting enough attention, so we bought them.), but we are
chagrined to say that we bought Thufie and Hawat II from pet stores.  *Never
Anyway, we would like to add to our little family.  Any information will be
*In loving memory*....
Hawat I was a very loving, trusting ferret; the first we ever bought, and I
loved her dearly.  We even got her a baby brother, Thufir, so she wouldn't
be lonely while we were away at work and school.  However, at the time we
lived in a mobile home whose heating unit was having problems ( we were
renting, and the landlord never fixed it, although she knew;- I'm not trying
to lay blame here, but there is a method to my madness, which you soon will
see.- and one day, when Miles and I came home , we opened the door to hell.
We rushed in and the cats rushed out; we ran straight to the babies; Hawat I
was lying still in the cage, and Thufie was slugging around listlessly.  We
both began to cry; I just kind of blanked out for a bit, Miles rushed in and
grabbed them and ran to dunk them in cold water to try to get their body
temps down.  Thufir survived and today is a happy, dooking little livewire;
our Hawat never had a chance.
I guess what I'm trying to say is, these little guys can't take heat very
well, and please be careful about keeping them away from being overly heated
( in our case, I think the heater broke somehow and turned itself on; it was
summer and a hundred degrees outside- inside about 120 degrees).... a little
part of me died when we lost that girl.
One day, we saw a little girl in a petstore that looked amazingly like our
beloved.  So we got her out of her cage to pet her, and we were hooked.  She
came home.  (We now live in a HOUSE that will never have heater problems,
you can be sure) We named her Princess Hawat II to remind us always of the
baby we lost.  And again, amazingly, she behaves a lot like Hawat and it's
almost like she was never lost to us.  I'm sorry this is so long; it's taken
me years to be able to write about it.  Please, be careful with these little
carpet sharks; temperature can cause heat stroke and other temp.  related
problems.  Again sorry about the long post.
~Miles, Telaraj, and the fab four~
[Posted in FML issue 2155]