Hello all,
I thought I would come out of "lerk mode" and introduce my frantic family.
I have been on the FML since this spring, but only posted twice.  I have
laughed, cried, and learned much while reading from day to day.  Thank you
Bill for making this available to all of us!!!!
Three years ago I walked into a pet store and had my first real introduction
to ferrets.  I did not get one that day, but I did buy a book.  After I read
the book, I called a vet to see what they could tell me about ferrets.  For
the next 4 months I "visited" ferrets in every pet store I could find.
Finally my husband broke down, while I was holding a sweet chocolate little
MF boy, who would soon be known as Toby.  I turned around and saw him
standing at the cash register with a cage, litterbox, food dish, water
bottle and food!!!!  Toby is the serious one, always visiting me to see what
I am doing.
Two months later, and still "visiting" ferrets I saw Eli.  Also a MF
chocolate boy.  He was just a tiny little thing, able to curl up and sleep
in the palm of my hand.  Well it was quite apparent that he needed a big
brother!!!  So, Eli came home to become Toby's best buddy.  Eli also had a
taste for rubber, which I found out about to the tune of $800.00 in April,
when he was very ill with an intestinal blockage.  He is fine now, and the
surgery was worth every penny.  Eli AKA Boo Boo Bear, is a big teddy bear
and always has lots of kisses saved up for me.
In July of 1996, I met a woman who had aquired a ferret from her daughter.
He was 1.5 years old, had never been to a vet, and did not even have a name.
Eager to get him out of her house where I felt he was being neglected, I
offered to take him and find him a new home.  After a few weeks I could not
let him go because I was afraid he would end up in the same situation.  So
he was named Foster and became permanant.  He is just a little bundle of
energy.  He loves to fly across the room, jump up and cling to my leg!!!
Early this year I found the Ga Domestic Ferret Association.  Gradually I
became a foster mom under their direction.  Since joining the GDFA I have
gained good friends, support, and a lot of knowledge.
Also many of you may remember Roger Poore requesting help with the Rainbow
Bridge.  I have since taken responsibility of maintining it.  The Rainbow
Bridge still very much belongs to Roger.  I'm just helping.
I'm gonna be in Orlando in January for the FML party.  I can hardly wait, we
should all have alot of fun :D
[Posted in FML issue 2153]