Hi all!
Toni here.  I have been so sick with a cold the last 3 days my poor little
girl has gotten very little playtime.  I feel so bad for her, but I just do
not have the energy to chase her around.  If she would play nice, which is
almost never, there would be no problem.  For instance, I let her out this
morning and she was so excited.  We rassled on the couch.  Then I got her
toys from the bedroom and put them in her cage.  She looks at me as if to
say "You know that's not where they belong" and takes them back to my
bedroom, they apparently belong in my underwear drawer.  After finishing
that game she went under the couch to dig.  I have to lift the couch to get
her out from there.  That totally exhausted me; I just don't have the
strength to do that 5-6 times a day right now.  So she's back in her cage.
She does play in there.  She has her tubing and I put her toys back.  But I
can't wait to get better, for both our sakes.  Oh yea, when I let her out
she always wants to be held first and give kisses before ranting and raving.
She doesn't understand why I won't let her kiss me right now.  My poor baby.
To Dayna:  I'm anxious to learn what you are going to name that sweet little
rescue ferret.
Bye for now,
[Posted in FML issue 2153]