Hello FML ;O)
Hope ya's are having real fertti days and big dooks to all!
We just wanted to share a word of encouragement to Dayna and her special
little friend.  Our prayers are with this darling little one, and we also
are thanking God that you were there to be guardian angel too!  I simply can
not imagine such deranged anger as a response to a bit of dirt on a floor!
Though to be honest, right about now I just may be capable of a few things
similar myself, if I had this bi... and Lance within range, I might have a
momentary lapse from my passivisim, just briefly ya know.  I would like to
ask both Dayna and Troy to please pass along the personal info on this
individual, (via my email and not the FML please) this is a case of clear
cut animal abuse, yet again, and I want to see this woman answer for her
cruelty to this little one now!  As far as I'm concerned, IMOHO this woman's
no saner, or less deadly, than her apparent spiritual twin Lance, and
getting away with such heinous acts will only serve to provide her more
opportunity to commit further injury, to animals, and I dare say to humans
perhaps as well.  Indeed, I would like to take this chance to encourage
anyone encountering persons who commit these crimes to PLEASE REPORT THEM!
Whether our various countries judicial systems do work quickly or
inefficently or not to handle our reports, it is a very definite surity that
the laws and the authorities are of no value to us whatever if we do not
involve them at all!  I don't mean this to sound harsh really, but I just
believe that actions speak far louder than even the most sympathetic of
words.  If we want change and justice, in regards to ferrets, or any other
issues of our hearts for that matter, then WE must effect it by becoming
We would also like to submit a couple of names fer this precious baby.
Miracle - cause living through this was one & Dayna being there was one!
lionheart - cause this babe has one to survive this pain to love again!
sanguine - cause it means 'hopeful' 'confident' 'secure' all I hope for!
I'd also like to thank the many folks who emailed me to thank me for my last
post, I tried to answer you all back, but I'm afraid a few bounced back to
me,(including yours Dayna ;o), so thought I'd convey here my own gratitude
to you all, it was most encouraging to see so many who agreed, especially
about us all working together fer ferret freedoms.  I believe we shall
indeed do much for our dear furry friends, and I am looking to this new year
eagerly and am confident it will be one of great changes!
Well, Ferris 'n I is off to real important matters now, <Ferris' pinion>
cause it's got to be at least two minutes past treat time ya know!  <g>
And as always, we keep you all in our prayers and thoughts daily.
Fightin Furiously Fer Ferrets Freedoms
Ferris (Get down? Whatta ya mean get down? Hithhhh nerva som folks!)
and my mom
Ms. Deba Brezden
Director, Canada Chapter IFRIC
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[Posted in FML issue 2152]