Sorry, everyone, I have been away for several days and didn't see the recent
attacks on my character/voracity until now.  Whether anyone chooses to
believe it or not, the facts as I related them to you about my initial
contacts with the two local shelters are truthful and accurate.  No, I did
not look at the contract at Sandi Ackerman's "shelter" because it was clear
from conversation with her that she wanted more information about my
lifestyle and finances than I thought reasonable.  When the discussion she
refers to in the FML about financing surgeries came up I wrote her and
expressed these same concerns to her.  She responded in an extremely hostile
manner to me then as well, basically saying, "So what if I ask questions
about your income?  It's for the benefit of the ferret."  She also told me
never to contact her again.  I am not trying to get in a verbal war here,
but couldn't let her denial go by unchallenged.
Thanks to the Killians for their understanding and support of those of us
who have had bad experiences with shelter owner/operators.  I'm glad to have
prompted some productive discussion on this important issue.  I'm
disappointed that Alicia Drakiotes, despite our correspondences back and
forth, has chosen to attack my credibility on the word of Ms. Ackerman.  I
don't care whether I'm believed by you or not.  Just please consider the
effect your decisions as a shelter owner have on finding a good home for
your charges.
Larry Tilford
[Posted in FML issue 2149]