This is regarding the horrific murder of 82 ferrets with a "syringelike"
Unfortunately, I have no further facts to report, but I know of some very
good people looking into this horrible tragedy.  (Since someone asked
yesterday, the mention of a feud was made by one of the tv stations I
called, but hasn't been published.) I've heard other things secondhand, but
chose not to relate them so as not to generate rumors.  Anyway, one kind
soul has found a web site for the Spokane police, with no more info than
already reported.  I don't have the address, but updates might be found
there.  I haven't searched Spokane on the web, but perhaps the tv stations
have e-mail.  (I'll report every scrap of fact I gather.)
I know facts MUST surface.  They must.  This is too horrid to remain buried
in the black dirt of ignorance.  Though it is awful to say, I am still
haunted by an imagined memory of unheeded screams... though sick, I keep
thinking of the movie "Silence of the Lambs", imagining the twisted human
spirit portrayed by Anthony Hopkins and Buffalo Bill -- enwrapped in that
loud, eiry disco music whilst cries of "Precious!" "Precious!" by the
entrapped woman ring desparately out -- bearing down on 82 of the sweetest
beings on earth... silencing lambs, the tiniest of lambs.
I cannot help remembering that my sweet and beautiful lady albino
Claudette, a gentle and sweet noble soul - came from a Spokane breeder,
though I could never trace which one.
Uh oh... I'm losing it again.
The FML has been eirily quiet as well.  On the one hand, what is there to
say; on the other, there is too much to say...
I thought, though, in the meantime, in the face of ignorance and unexplained
loss, that perhaps each of us could light a candle for the little lost
fuzzies, staging a nationwide vigil of grief over their lost lives, honor
for their spirits, with some joy sent forth for the release of their spirits
from whatever torment they might have endured... each would give meaning to
their own candle's flame of course.  Today is Monday Dec. 1.  According to
one scrap of a fact, the murders took place Nov. 21.  More then a week has
passed in near-dark silence.  Perhaps, before another week passes, sometime
before Dec. 5 and as long as the heart wishes, each of us could light a
candle in honor of these 82 sweet fuzzies, to help light their paths to the
starry Rainbow Bridge.  I found a beautiful plum-scented candle whose scent
has been cheering me up, unlit, in the kitchen since Thanksgiving eve (when
I learned of the tragedy).  I'll light this little lamp for the fuzzies.  In
your heart of hearts, too, please help these fuzzies find a more beautiful
journey than they had on earth... and let's keep helping ourselves and all
fuzzies discover and rediscover hope and love.
Fuzzy hugs (and fuzzier tears),
Lynn and her warm gang of seven fuzzies (and, as always my special fuzzies
found in the stars: Schroeder Boat, Percy Fergusan, and baby Squeek and
his neural tube siblings....)
[Posted in FML issue 2142]