>From:    Edward Lipinski <[log in to unmask]>
>Subject: The ferret harness
We agree that the old style two buckle H harnesses aren't all that good.
Never liked the figure 8's either.  At least the nylon ones availabe around
here.  they where not escape proof and barely escape resistant.  And the
connector on the back keeps falling aprt when we use them.  Leather straps
might very well work better.
Best is the velcro H harness designed by the Warm Fuzzy Ferret shelter
folks.  Plus you can feel good knowing that buying the supports one of the
better ferret shelters we know of.  They supposedly have a donated web site
coming on-line but neither they nor I know the URL.
>From:    Edward Lipinski <[log in to unmask]>
>Subject: The ferret, badger, and the coyote
Well if you mean to inform lets fix a few problems.
>The badger is the deadly enemy of the ferret.  It is the only one predator
>of the ferret that can dig the ferret out of its den, kill it and eat it.
The natural habitat of the ferret is a cage not a den.  Its not found often
in the wild.  Also do you mean the European badger here?  Sometimes ferrets
were (or are?) used to hunt badgers the same way they hunt rabbits.  Well
only big old hobs would be used for this.  Jills are too small.
>Also, there is an interesting, but terrifying relationship between the
>badger and the coyote.  These two predators work together to get and kill
>their ferret prey.
Nope.  Can't be.  The Coyote is North American and there is an American
badger (not the same species as the European one) but there aren't wild
ferrets in America so the two American animals can't co-operatively hunt
wild ferrets.
Unless you mean the black footed ferret.  But you are right that American
badgers and coyotes co-operatively hunt together at times.  Usually ground
squirrels and prairie dogs.  If a BFF happened to be hanging around with the
prairie dogs they could be in trouble.
And stories are just stories.  Do you also decry Aesop's fables such as the
mouse and the lion?  Is there anything published that mentions ferrets that
you do like?
bill and diane killian
zen and the art of ferrets
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[Posted in FML issue 2146]