Dear Lynn,
Thank you for making the FML aware of the 82 fuzzies who were brutally
murdered in Spokane, WA.  I know that it has been painful for you to talk
about it, but I would like to assure you that you are not the only one who
dreams of the day when ALL animals will be protected by our media, our legal
system, and our social conscience.  There are just too many people out there
who only give a d*** about other people, and who think that the smallest
amounts of human comfort and safety are worth the most horrible amounts of
animal pain and suffering.  But there are also people who understand the
inherent worth of animals and who are willing to go to the opposite extreme
in order to alleviate the injustice.  Tragedies such as the 82 dead fuzzies
in Spokane and the needless testing of hundreds of ferrets for rabies have
inspired me to scrutinize my own lifestyle to see if I personally can give
up any comforts in order to ease another creature's pain.  There will be a
candle shining in Baltimore tonight, and hopefully in many other cities
across the country as well.  I would like to invite anyone who lights a
candle to remember those fuzzies in a slightly more substantial way as well,
by making one small sacrifice for the cause of animal rights which you might
not have made ordinarily: volunteering a few hours of time at a local animal
shelter, eating a vegetarian meal, switching to a brand of shampoo which
does not test on animals, spending an extra dollar to buy free-range eggs,
or whatever you feel most comfortable with.  Our fuzzies will be free when
all animals are free.
Best wishes,
Julie and the fursnakes (Delta and Epsie)
In loving memory of Kodo
[Posted in FML issue 2145]