I am in tears as I try to write this.  I saw the tremendous outpouring there
was last spring to save Kodo.  Can we not now, do the same to help Jean
Smith to hopefully save those that have survived the devastation.
The $3000.00 is only going to be the tip of the ice berg of her medical
costs.  If we raised over $9,000, for Kodo, can we not do the same?  Even if
every reader of the FML sent her:
Jean Smith
3523 E. Wellsey
Spokane, WA  99207
Sent her, 10 cents for each of the 82 fuzzies she lost it would be
tremendous.  If there is another auction, I again will donate another
Sandicast ferret.
Please let's not let her down, just because she doesn't have a computer to
come to us directly.
Margie (wondering what humanity is coming to)
[Posted in FML issue 2144]