I am so annoyed....I just got approved to move into base housing
yesterday... a nice 1000 sq foot 2 bedroom, in which my fuzzies were going
to get the second bedroom since we don't have kids.  I went in for my
"briefing" today, and I got this sheet of approved pets.  Item 2d on this
sheet of paper reads :
The following domesticated animals are approved to reside on MHAFB:
Cats, dogs, fish, mice, hamsters, gerbils, guinea pigs, birds and rabbits.
Wild animals not approved include skunks, ferrets, raccoons, foxes, ocelots,
coyotes, woloves, wolf hybrids, pigs, snakes or other potentially rabid or
dangerous animals.
I am shocked and appauled by this!!  Another sheet of paper I have here
refers to ferrets as "burrowing rodents" !!  I am very upset and not about
to give up my fuzzies, although I am a bit afraid of the consequences of
bringing them on base and getting caught, though I'm not sure why anyone
would have reason to come into our house.  I was so afraid to say anything
because I figured if I mentioned it or caused a fuss, I'd be red-flagged as
a potential problem or something.  I just can't believe that the Air Force
still regards ferrets as non-domesticated or potentially rabid and
dangerous.  You'd think we were in California instead of Idaho!
I was thinking about sending an anonymous letter to them or the faq, but I
doubt they would even read it.  Well anyways, just had to vent.  Anyone else
in the service and had experience in base housing?
[Posted in FML issue 2144]