Hi FMLers!
While being stuck home in a blizzard this morning...{instead of going to
work, which was wasn't too bad since it has been a long time since I had a
"snow" day...lol} I caught CBS This Morning.  There was a segment on pet
safety, or mainly how to be protected and protect your pets from certain
diseases.  This guy was showing the hostess {don't know her name] different
animals and telling her what kind of diseases they could get and pass on to
humans.  Basically reptiles have to protected from salmonella etc.  The guy
opened a carrier and brought out a cute silver mitt {looked to be}, he said
it was from England..{didn't catch the ferrets accent}and all he said about
ferts was " this is a ferret from England and they make good pets" then put
the little fuzzbut back in the carrier..and proceeded on..... well at least
he didn't act like Jack Hanna on Maury Povich Christmas show and hold a
ferret and a skunk up together and only say that these two carry rabies....
Just thought I'd share....
Melanie {the lurker}
Sniffer { the one who does the typing}
[Posted in FML issue 2171]