Hi fellow ferreters:
This is my first posting and not a happy one.
Could anyone suggest anything that I could do to relieve my poor Kodi from
scratching virtually nonstop?
I believe he's about 5,(shelter rescue) and about two months ago he was
scratching every moment he was awake.  He lost weight and was very unhappy.
My vet suggested this was a sign of adrenal problems, so the left one was
removed.  It's been one month since the operation and he's down to
scratching 40 percent of the time.  His weight is back up, but he's still
unhappy.  My vet is at a loss and I would be willing to try anything to help
the poor guy out.  Any help would be greatly appreciated.
Thanks guys.
And thanks for caring for your ferrets, the world's a better place for it.
Peggy and the even half dozen.
please email me at [log in to unmask]
thank you.
[Posted in FML issue 2144]