Hi Ya'll,
First I would like to thank Bob Church for all the great info on bones and
osteoporosis.  It is a very complex subject and he has done a good job of
breaking it down.  (OK, just don't groan too loudly ok?)
Also, I think the idea of the radiographs for bone density in ferrets is
wonderful!!  I did not fully understand the relationship with adrenal
disease and bone mass loss.  But I do know that radiographs are used with
folks for this.  A friend in Houston who is first generation Swedish
American, in her 90's, short, thin, etc.  (IOW, all the markers for trouble)
actually has radiographs done a couple of times a year to check on her bone
density, or lack of.  You can barely see her vertebre any more on the xrays
and she is extremely crippled from bone density loss.
As for medical references for cats, which I do look at for ferrets also, is
_The Complete Medical Guide to Cats_ by Robert Perper and Edward Kepner with
Randi Londer.  The only problem I have with this book is my copy was
published in 1985.  I am going to check if there is a more recent version,
but it does have some very good info on first aid, shots, etc.
On the personal front, I have been dragged all around Columbia today
shopping by this mad woman staying with me that I can't seem to get rid of.
;-) Not that I really want to.  We actually worked up our nerve and tried a
Mexican restuarant here.  It was actually good, although it was mainly
tacos, sandwiches and burritos.  Much better than the only other one I have
eaten at.  But I do miss the fresh seafood in Houston.
The Mustelid Mob mailing list is going well, we are in the mid-50's for
subscribers.  BTW, it ain't a Maggie Mae only list but I will warn everyone,
lots of broads on it.  Lots.  hehe.  If you want to subscribe send an email
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And just put the word subscribe in the body of your email.  Should work out
fine.  Or email me and I will add you.
I hope everyone is going to start off the New Year with a bang.  I have a
bottle of champainge that I got last year and may actually manage to drink
it this year.  Yep, my life is so sordid alright.  hehe.  But I have many
major changes in the works on a personal level and am looking forward to
wonderful times ahead.
Blessed Be,
Maggie Mae
When you do the things you do,
I can never, never, never let you go
When you feel the way you feel,
you can never, no never let it show.
R. Plant
[Posted in FML issue 2170]