[Moderator's note: I'm letting this one through since I allowed Maggie her
final statement as well.  I hope it won't offend anyone, and, yes, the topic
really is closed now!  BIG]
I would like to apologize to anyone that was offended y my original post
referencing Margaret's post.  The very last thing that I meant to do was to
offend anyone,unfortunately many times things we say or things we do affect
people in ways that we can't even imagine.  When I wrote that post I was
trying to accomplish one thing only.  This was to stand up for something
that I believe in.  Which contrary to some poeple's opinion was not the lack
of morals.  It WAS the fact that I had hoped that this list could contain
only truly relevant ferret facts and story's.  I also AGREE that we have an
AWESOME modirator.  If not for the work that he puts in EVERY DAY the
communication link what we all share would not be possible.  For this I say,
"THANK YOU BIG!!!!" I feel that I did accomplish what I had desired to but
not in the way that I had hoped.  I tried to do it in the most passive way
that I could.  If I could have imaged that some people would spend hours
sending me flame after flame I would have found some other way to accomplish
this.  Since my post I have been flamed (by mostly the same people) over and
over, cussed out, swore at, and someone even threatened to sue me!  I gave
that person my attorney s name and address at which point they seemed to
change their mind.  (Please note that I didn't mention that persons name
here so please don't flame me again.)
I have been accused of joining this list just to be a trouble maker.  I do
have to admit that that is one of my desires.  You see, I have caused as
much trouble as possible for Lance regarding the Spokane murders.  To date I
have mad over 8 phone calls and send over 10 letters to different people and
organizations in reference to the Spokane murder.  So if anyone reading this
is even thinking of harming any animals then I say to you, "Be afraid of me,
be very afraid".  Be afraid of not only me but of the thousands of people on
this list that are here to protect ferrets!  I have also sent $ to Jean to
help and I will continue to do what I can for her.  I write this not to blow
my own horn but to let you know of my true intent of joining this list.
I am planning on being a long time resident on this list.  I want to be able
to help my ferrets and all ferrets out there and it is for this purpose that
I will remain on this list as long as BIG will allow.  So please, those few
of you that are out there that are dedicating so much time to flaming me for
standing up for what I believe, please stop flaming me and spend your time
writing letters to those in Spokane that are involved in the case there.
I can offer no proof to those that chose not to believe that what I say is
true, just as most of us have no proof of what we say here (as far as the
things that we do, I am NOT saying that some people like Bob Church don't
know what they are talking about!  So please no flames on that.  BTW Bob has
not sent a message to me.) All I can ask is for you to look at the posts
that I have made and the posts that I will make in the future and ask
yourself if I have every done ANYTHING but try to do what is best for my
ferrets and all the ferrets out there. I propose to you that you will not
EVER find anything that I have done to purposely cause harm to any ferrets!
My ferrets ARE the Lights of my Life! I would do nothing to harm them BUT I
will do everything in my power to help them.
I do want to thank those of you that have sent me positive notes on this
matter.  I appreciate every one of them.
Jason Poole
Sammy and Doris - The Lights of my Life!
{BIG - I have tried to send you a few different letters and they just keep
returning to me.  I am using the address [log in to unmask] Is this
correct?  }
[Moderator's note: That's one address, but some ISPs no longer know about
BITNET. [log in to unmask] is the best address to use for FML
related mail.  BIG]
[Posted in FML issue 2168]