Hello Everyone,
I also made a boo boo.  I accidently unsubbed damn near everyone on the
Mustelid Mob list.  Don't ask, I have no idea how I done did it.  If you
don't get a reconfirm from me in the next couple of days let me know and I
will add you back.  Sorry for the confusion.
As for my posts, while I realize that not everything I post is for everyone,
I also realize that no one has to read what I write, just as I don't read
certain folks on this list.  That is the main reason I put my name in the
subject line, so you can either read or scan as you so desire.  There are
several folks who contribute regularly to this list that I feel absolutely
no compunction to read.  And so therefore don't.  Simple as that.  Besides,
regardless of what you might think, I don't have the freedom to post
anything I want.  I am edited and censored by Bill Gruber.
While I may sometimes go over the line, it is never maliscious.  I simply
don't necessarily think like most folks, and this does get me into trouble.
I don't see certain points of view, because frankly, they are out of my
frame of reference.  I was talking this over with one of my oldest and
dearest today, and she realizes that while I have a big mouth, it just ain't
mean.  Just naive at times (which is a pc word for stupid, ok?) Too open
minded, not much offends me.
What has upset me more than anything with all the posts I recieved over what
Jason Poole said about my biting post(and please, no more mail telling me
how right you are about what I meant), is the questioning of my
motives-especially that I am not concerned with the welfare of ferrets.
Although I must say that saying my friends practice zooplhilia or that I am
a slut isn't high on my list either.  And someone trying to tell me what I
was thinking or meant by something is just out and out silly.  I may not be
clear, I may be misunderstood, but only I know what I meant.  Sorry.  Didn't
think anyone on Earth had esp or god-like abilities to read my mind.
Because of slanderous lies privately about me, I have been limited in what I
can do publically.  My actions are limited by false accusations about my
activities and my personal motives for wanting to be involved in the ferret
community.  I dare not start a local club, I am afraid to lend a hand with
others for fear of retribution and I am tired of being constantly questioned
if I happen to mention something out of my past others would rather forget.
Naturally my whole life must revolve around one person, and nothing I have
done in the past to help out in the ferret community, which had nothing to
do with this person, seems to exist anymore.
As anyone can plainly see, I don't give a whit about ferrets.  I only post
because of my rather large ego.  Let me just say that many of my recent
words of thanks to this forum are now withdrawn.  I thought of you as a
family, but the bickering and back stabbing is more than even my rather
dysfunctional family ever even thought of.  But then, we always talked to
each other face to face, we didn't do it behind backs.
I am quite frankly, tired of this battle.  I will continue to get the fml,
if allowed, but honestly don't think I shall post publically again.  And I
am sure many of you can now jump for joy over this.
My motto is live and let live. I have not been allowed to do this.
And for those of you who haven't any sense of humor, the above post is
heavily laced with sarcasm.
Merry Christmas, I see the spirit is still alive and kicking.
It is a wonderful present to receive this holiday season.
Margaret Merchant
[Moderator's note: Maggie is correct that she is not free to post anything
she wants: this is a moderated list and a post from *anyone* will be removed
if I feel it is inappropriate.  Of course, in that case the poster will be
But note, posts are NEVER edited -- they go in as-is or they don't go in at
all.  OK, now and then someone will write asking me to change a word or two
on a previously submitted post, but then the editing is coming from the
author, not from me.  I DO NOT AND WILL NOT EDIT POSTS ON MY OWN!  Nor do I
arbitrarily discard posts because I don't like what they say -- that's why
guidelines exist.  BIG]
[Posted in FML issue 2165]