Hi Fellow Ferret Lovers,
As you've heard Carla has the attorneys lined up which is some of the best
news lately.  Carla, thank you so much.  We feel we can relax a *little*
now, but not too much.  We still need to contact the prosecutors office to
let them know we are concerned with the outcome of this case.
Jean has been in real good spirits with the exception of getting depressed
when she goes into the kennel.  As one person stated, the Terror Chamber.
That probably will not change till she has it filled again with healthy,
happy fuzzies or can make a totally different setup.  Messages of
encouragement are still arriving and she says they truly keep her going.
There's' a special thanks for Mike and Lynn in VA for a very, very generous
donation and for taking Sox into their home to love, in honor of Jeans
ferrets and the Season.  You guys are wonderful!!
A candlelight ceremony has been organized to show support for Jean and the
ferrets.  Everyone within driving distance is urged to participate, December
28th, 7pm on the courthouse steps.  The address is 1116 W.  Broadway.  I
think it would be fitting if each of us has our own candlelighting at the
same time with warm thoughts and our own private message going out to
Spokane and Jean.  Everyone is encourage to also meet at the same address
for the arraignment of Lance Seurer on December 30th, 10am, to let the world
know animal cruelty cannot be ignored and will not be tolerated.
A flyer is available on Sam's site for anyone to print and distribute in and
around Spokane.
Many, many thanks are owed to Sam for her tireless work on keeping her web
site updated and with such thoughtfulness to all concerned.  And to Scott,
who is devoting so much of his time and efforts to make sure all the facts
we have are accurate.  He's taken Jean and her ferrets into his heart and is
quietly watching over them.
(or the mirror site at Geocities)
Jean wants each of you to know she truly appreciates all your efforts.  As
this story has grown across the county, old friends that she's lost touch
with, is hearing about it and reaching out to her.
And last, but certainly not least.  All of you on the fml have been so
wonderful with your donations and your loving words of encouragement that
has kept Jean going.  Many have not been able to send help financially but
have found other ways, either by phone, letter or email to encourage the
spreading of this story, or a card to Jean that means so much to her and
letters, calls to the prosecutors office in Spokane to urge them to
prosecute this case to it's fullest and requests to the media to cover the
This Christmas Season is very special with the out-pouring of love for our
fellow man and inspired by the love of our very special furry friends.  I'm
very grateful to all of you for the warmth that fills my heart.  Seems there
was a saying " and a child shall lead them", well it's our furry, four
legged children that has led us to show how much *we* are.
Happy Holidooks to all and I wish each of you the blessing of the faith you
hold in your heart.
[Posted in FML issue 2164]