Merry Christmas to everyone, Happy Holidays, from Critterpen Rescue.  Our
ten little darlings are blissfully sleeping with visions of treats dancing
in their dreams.  All the rescues are jolly, fat and healthy now and I think
that those who started life with bad experiences have forgotten them.  I
have been struggling to publish my web page.  Still some funny little
markings that I haven't figured out how to get rid of, but The Ferrety
Christmas Card is there and is a free download for any who want it.
Anyone who was one AOL last year may already have it.  Originally, this
picture was done in colored pencil and I still have the original.  The one
on the website is a digital painting using Painter 4.  No scanning devices
or input of any kind except what I did with Painter 4 tools.
Also on the website is a cutout from the painting of our beloved R2D2 who
succumbed to insulinoma early in this year and is no longer here to steal
the candy canes.  I hope the tree at the Rainbow Bridge has a few for him to
steal.  Every now and then an extra special ferret comes to live in a house.
R2 or Twoeey, as we called him, was that ferret.  He is the reason that
childproff locks are on every cabinet door and and drawer, and hooks and
eyes are on other things he could get into.  Once he got into the
refrigerator and rolled a dozen eggs out on the floor and played with them
until they broke.
The Critterpen by Chemayn
Cheryl M. Nordgulen
Olympia, WA  98506
Walk in peace, speak softly, love much.
[Posted in FML issue 2162]