Hey Everyone,
Still working on my email, be patient.  I am limping around today thanks to
an old injury acting up.  Fractured a lumbar vertebre falling off a horse
and have problems from time to time with my leg not working due to nerve
I have posted most of these before, just repeating for those new on the
Find yourself a recipe for duck soup.  There are lots out there.  This is
for feeding your ferrets if they get ill.  One important thing though, start
feeding it as a regular treat (I feed it once a week) so that your ferret
will already be used to it and you won't have to try something new when they
don't feel good.
Wash bedding in hot water and borax.  This will kill any fleas and also rid
the bedding of smell.
Some of the best toys for your guys are cardboard boxes and paper sacks.  I
keep one of each at all times on the kitchen floor.  Soft drink 12 pack
boxes are really good for this.  They play in them and also will run in to
eat a raisin there.
Play rough with your guys.  They love it.  But expect a few scratches if
they treat you like a ferret.  Which is when they are the happiest.  One of
the favorite games here is Ferret Toss.  I stand by my bed and they run up,
I pick them up and toss them into the middle of the mattress.  They love
it!!  They dance around, dook some and jump down to be tossed again.
Talk to them.  Use their names.  And be sure and hug them once at day at
Coming soon-more games and toys.
BTW, Miss Pookie chomped my foot last night.  She was upset that I had been
gone all day and had ignored her.  It is the ONLY time she does this.  And
then she gives me "the look."
On Pookie's s&*( list in Missouri,
Maggie Mae
"I tell you how I feel, but you don't care
I say tell me the truth, but you don't dare
You say love is a hell you cannot bear
And I say gimme mine back and then go there-for all I care"
Fiona Apple, "Sleep to Dream"
[Posted in FML issue 2143]