I just want to say that I LOVED "Basic rules for ferrets who have a house to
run"!!  It was sooo hilarious...I haven't laughed that hard in a long time.
Thanks Victoria!
To Joyce, about your possibly adrenal ferret: Have you considered getting a
second opinion from another ferret vet?  That would be my suggestion, since
you seem to be unsure about the first vet's opinion.  Maybe another vet
could do some different kinds of tests.  Good luck!
Happy holidays to everyone!  BIG, thanks for all your work on the list--I
really enjoy reading it!
Happy Ferreting,
-Rachelle ("What's Da Woozler?")
-David ("P.U.!  McKyle needs a bath!")
-McKyle ("Will you two please LEAVE ME ALONE!!!")
[Posted in FML issue 2157]