I have a question, is our Fang a giant?  I knew he was large when his
harness needed to be adjusted, and I suspected that he was a little bit
bigger than most when he couldn't even get more than his head in the door of
the hanging ferret playhouse I got him.  Today I received my order from
Ferret Outfitters( I live in CA and have yet to find as store with ferret
bell collars or T-shirts), I ordered a T-shirt for him in large and a
Marshall bell collar.  Well, he walked like a dinosaur in the T-shirt cause
his shoulders/arms didn't have enough room to move right and I couldn't even
buckle the collar without strangling him( yes it was adjusted to the longest
length).  Needless to say, he wont be wearing either, and tonight I headed
to Petco to get him a break away cat collar (no elastic)and he looks lovely.
He is a Marshall farms boy about 5 1/2 pounds now, and I got him in June in
Las Vegas, NV when he was 8 or 9 weeks old.  He has grown incredibly since I
got him, he was the same size as all his cage mates when he picked us out.
I'm certainly not complaining about it, I'm just wondering if he's still
growing and if this is a normal thing.  He's our first, and everyone else
seems to have one to three pound guys.
I would like to brag now that he litter trained himself almost right away(in
his cage and out), outgrew his nipping thing without any punishments, and
learned how to sit up, roll over and jump up all in about 3 15 minute
training sessions per trick, and he gives lots of kisses.
Now that I said all that he'll probably pee in all of our shoes and chew on
our faces while we sleep!
Just wondering,
Cynthia, Marvin, & Fang
PS I know I am committing a horrible crime by cross posting to FML and FFML
but I haven't got more than a response or two to my other postings on either
list, please forgive me cause I'm really curious and I promise I will never
ever do it again!
[Moderator's note: I have no problem with you posting on the Ferret Forum as
well.  BIG]
[Posted in FML issue 2116]