My daughter's friend called her yesterday and told her to turn on the TV.
What you saw was the Maury Povich show with Jack Hanna, a noted ferret
hater.  We were surprised that his demo of the ferret was pretty benign.  He
often refers to them as wild animals and bad pets, but this time he was just
commenting on scent.
Also noteworthy is that just after the ferret/skunk, he showed a bat, and
mentioned that people should be wary of them because they can carry rabies.
He may also have said the skunk could as well, not sure, but definitely did
NOT say ferrets were rabid little beasts!
He did show other domestic animals, like llamas, but as far as I can tell,
he did not distinguish between domestic and wild.
Overall, not bad for a Hanna and ferret appearance.  Perhaps we are getting
to him and his is modifying his attitude!
Linda Iroff
North Coast Ferret Shelter
[Posted in FML issue 2130]