Hello everyone:
I wonder if any of you out there have ever had this problem and can advise
or at least re-assure me.
I've been ill for the past few days (migraine) so I have not been
interacting with the "gang" very much - rather my two stepsons and my SO
have been taking care of all of them (Except for my little female so pines
if I do not let her into the bedroom).  I noticed tonight that one of our
ferrets , Toby aka Toby-toes, has had a sudden weight loss, from the back he
looks like a starvation case, hollow flanks, incredibly skinny back legs
although the front legs look fine.  He has always been slim but never this
skinny.  He has had no loss of energy, is still the worse pest, climber and
general troublemaker that he has always been and he does not seem to have
any problems with strength - as he is now three shelves up on the bookcase
and still climbing.  :) (slight pause to rescue books and remove ferret from
5th shelf) but he appears to have lost at least 1/2 - 1 pound in weight over
3 - 4 days.  I have no idea what is wrong although he may have had diarrhea
a few days ago, (I have 5 boys that "play" together and I never did discover
which one had the runny poops).  He is not dehydrated.  I am a little
concerned as I have never had any of the boys show such a dramatic weight
loss.  The other guys are fine.  I'd appreciate any suggestions.  If he
loses anymore weight I'm taking him to the Vet,
Rena and Stan
and the "Gang of Seven"
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[Posted in FML issue 2129]