Okay, OFA... who's cute little fuzzies were in my morning paper?
Waking up in California this morning and opening the Contra Costa Times to
page 2, I least expected to find not one, not two, but three ferrets looking
at me.  In the "People" column was a 4 1/4 by 5 1/2 inch black & white
Associated Press photo of Santa struggling to hold onto Peppy (a sable I
think), Trouble (another sable?), and Mischief (a DEW).  The picture was
taken at a Fred Meyer store for a fund-raiser for the Oregon Humane Society
in Tualatin, OR.
The caption explains all of this, but led off with, "RABID WEASELS?  Nope,
they're frolicking ferrets..."
I wonder what they were asking Santa for Christmas?  Legalization in CA I
hope!  ;-)
~                Scott Beisner               ~
~          [log in to unmask]          ~
~    Californians For Ferret Legalization    ~
~          http://www.ferretnews.org         ~
[Posted in FML issue 2128]