One thing on the top of my list for choosing (staying with) a vet is:
does this vet LIKE ferrets? (seriously)
Before ferrets were legal here (Mass.), I would drive over an hour to go to
a vet who LOVED ferrets.  He had 2 ferrets of his own and would take Ralph
out into the waiting room to show him off.
After ferrets were legal, I gave one of the vets at my regular hospital a
try because she is an 'exotics' vet and wanted to start treating ferrets
when they became legal (also made more sense to go to someone 2 miles away
instead of 50 miles!) However, this person was clearly not all that
comfortable with ferrets, and I believe she was slightly afraid of them.
She also made some comment about biting (this was before the rabies
quarantine here) and that was my last ferret visit there!
Fortunately, I did find another vet nearby who loves ferrets and wants to
learn as much as possible about them. Just my 3 cents...
[Posted in FML issue 2128]