I am looking for advice on how to care for a ferret who is having siezures.
She has already seen the vet who has consulted with Dr. Williams.  The vet
is not positive if she does or doesn't have Insulanoma as the tests
indicated against it, but the symptoms seem to point in that direction.
What I am looking for is things other have done.
I am aware of Timmy's Recipie.  Advice anyone?
*    David Caudill ----  [log in to unmask]       *
*F.A.N.G. - Ferret Association of Neverending Glee *
*      Member: Pam Greene's Ferret Help Team       *
*      2600 N. 24th St                             *
*      Boise, Idaho  83702                         *
*      http://www.primenet.com/~panaga/            *
* NOTE: I am NOT a vet. All medical advice is only *
* my opinion.                                      *
Famous Last Words in Role Playing Games's: #279
"For some reason I had always imagined that bugbears were somewhat smaller."
[Posted in FML issue 2128]