[...Mom, has been looking at all the Government sites to see how she can
import us back to the US.  She's saying we'll have to learn English
now...check out what she found on our cousins on the Game & Wildlife site...
...The people at Aphis keep insisting we're not pets (pooh)...& that we
might have to be imported under a VS Form 17-129.  She sure is exploring on
that little TV & is telling us not to worry, that she'll bring us back
Chloe [Hey these guys look like us...maybe they'd like to play in our clear
fun tube]
Chocko [I wonder if I could it all of their food too !!!]
Sean & Cathy ( the 2 legged ones...)
N.B. : all text  in closed in [  ] is translated from the JFL (Japanese
Ferret Language)
[Posted in FML issue 2127]